Sonic Alchemy: DYLI’s Tokyo Symphony, Crafting Experiences Beyond the Ordinary


In the kaleidoscope of contemporary music, some artists don’t just create songs; they craft experiences that linger in the soul. Enter DYLI, a force to be reckoned with, whose latest release, “Tokyo,” stands as a vibrant testament to her audacious artistry and unyielding determination. This single emerges not merely as a composition but as a vivid manifestation of DYLI ‘s grand aspirations and fearless self-expression.

As we delve into the intricacies of DYLI ‘s creative process and the profound messages embedded in “Tokyo,” this interview explores the depths of an artist who doesn’t just create music—she forges an experience that transcends the ordinary, inviting us into a world where every note is a declaration and every beat is a pulse of unbridled passion.

Hello DYLI!

1. If “Tokyo” represents the vibrant burst of your artistic identity, which song from your discography would you say is the quiet, introspective counterpart, and what hidden parts of you does it reveal?

 I would have to say “backseat.” part 1 and 2. Both of those songs have a more curated writing process and a lot of thought behind them. I wanted to tell a personal story that I could relate to in my core while also making it cryptic enough that other people could apply it to their own lives. Processes like this take time but it’s one of the most enjoyable for me.

dyli tokyo

2. How do you see the concept of duality playing out in your music and personal style, and can you share an experience where you felt this duality was most pronounced?

 A prime example of this is the dynamic between my sister and me. We are two very different people, with two very different writing styles and two very different vocal capabilities, but when we work together we always create something amazing. I think our differences complement each other well and it helps smooth out the creative process.

3. If you could send a message through your music to your future self, what would you say, and which elements of your current life and music would you want your future self to remember or revisit?

I feel like, in a way, I am already doing that. I’ve been making music for a while now and when I look back on old projects I take note of how much I have grown. At this point, I am not sure what I would tell my future self, but I do think I will always be able to look back on past songs and take away from that situation.


4. Can you share an aspect of your cultural or familial heritage that consistently influences your music, perhaps in ways listeners might not immediately recognize, and how it intertwines with the themes you choose to manifest in your songs?

Something that you’ll find across almost all of my songs is the theme of loyalty. This may not have a direct link to my heritage, but it has a direct link to my environment and my culture. I place loyalty above everything in my life, including blood, and this is something that shows from my family as well. We are a diverse group of people but one thing that brings us together the most is the unconditional loyalty we have for each other which is something that is both earned and respected. I will always express that in my day to day life, as well as my music.

5. With the recurring themes of light and energy in your lyrics, if you could compose a song that could literally change the energy of a room when played, what kind of transformative power would you want it to have?

I feel like there are artists with this capability already. There have been so many times I have watched someone perform and I literally feel the energy change in the room. This is something I believe anyone can understand if they have had the experience before. As far as that, my goal is to be able to do that one day. It’s a feeling like no other.


6. You mentioned wanting to pave new roads in the music industry. If you could design a music festival that perfectly matched the world of your music, what unique elements would it include, and what would you want the fans’ experience to be?

 I’m a foodie, so ideally I would want a wide selection. I think having foods from a ton of different cultures would be such a cool addition to a music festival. I would want a lot of interactive booths as well, so between the people you want to see, there would be plenty of things to keep you busy. Last and probably the least interesting; having enough bathrooms. Overall, I would want fans to have a memorable experience where they get to try new things, find new artists, and be comfortable.

7. If you could live the life of another artist, writer, or historical figure for a day to experience their inspiration, who would it be and why? What do you think you’d create during that day?

This is a difficult question because there are probably so many interesting people who I would love to experience a day in their life from their perspective, I have just never thought about it. As of now, I think the most interesting would be Jada Pinkett Smith solely because I feel like I would write an entire album’s worth of music if I was able to see the world from her perspective for a day.