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Busta Rhymes To Receive BMI Icon Honor At 2022 BMI R&B/Hip-Hop Awards

Busta Rhymes joined the list of past recipients of the BMI Icon Award, which also includes Janet Jackson, Patti LaBelle, Nile Rodgers, and Snoop…

Beyoncé Collabs With Madonna for “Break My Soul (The Queens Remix)”

For “Break My Soul (The Queens Remix),” global star Beyoncé collaborated with music legend Madonna, paying homage to her co-legendary star’s 1992 smash track…

Beyoncé Makes History on Billboard Hot 100 With “Break My Soul”

Beyoncé’s single “Break My Soul” climbs to No. 7 on the Billboard Hot 100 for the week ending July 9. It’s the music legend’s…