ren.y.c Reveals the Story Behind Her Bold New Single “i don’t watch the news!”

ren.y.c Reveals the Story Behind Her Bold New Single "i don’t watch the news!"

Today, we’re thrilled to be joined by ren.y.c, the electrifying artist straight from the heart of New York City. Known for her compelling blend of hip-hop and pop, ren.y.c has just dropped her latest single, “i don’t watch the news!“. This track not only showcases her unique musical style but also delivers a powerful commentary on today’s media landscape. In this interview, we’ll explore the inspiration behind her new release, the creative process that brought it to life, and what’s next for this rising star. So, without further ado, let’s get into it!

Q: What was the initial spark or idea that led to the creation of “i don’t watch the news!”? Did you start with a particular lyric, melody, or feeling?

A: I’d say it started with a feeling and the first lyrics. I was singing the first line to myself and I decided to keep going with the topic. 

Q: What specific elements in the track do you believe set it apart from your previous singles?

A: I’d say this song is more vigorous and the way I used my voice was different. 

Q: Were there any specific artists or songs that influenced your approach to blending hip hop and pop in “i don’t watch the news!”?

A: The modern drill scene in NYC. 

Q: How did you collaborate with the director and other creatives to bring your vision for the music video to life?

I’ll send over the song and my idea/storyline for the video. Then they help me put it all together. 

Q: In your previous interview, you mentioned losing your voice just before shooting the music video. Can you share more about what happened and how it affected your preparation?

A: I was a little worried the day before because it still hadn’t come back but it all ended up working out. 

Q: How do you approach songwriting and composing? Can you walk us through your typical process for creating a new song, from initial inspiration to final production?

A: Yeah, it really depends on my mood at the time. For my latest song, I started by humming to myself until I found a flow that felt right. Once I had that, I began writing about what I was experiencing—being on vacation and celebrating. It’s all about capturing the vibe of the moment and letting it evolve into something that feels genuine.

Q: Looking back at your career so far, what are some of the most significant milestones or achievements you’re proud of?

A: I’m proud that I put my first song out because that was the hardest part for me. After that everything else came together. 

Q: What’s the best piece of feedback you’ve ever received about your music, and how did it affect you?

A: Hearing my friends say “I’d actually listen to this, it’s really good.” But I really appreciate the support I’ve gotten from strangers on the internet. 

ren.y.c Reveals the Story Behind Her Bold New Single "i don’t watch the news!"

Q: What are your long-term goals as an artist? Are there particular projects, collaborations, or artistic ventures you’re excited about for the future?

A: My main goal is to stay consistent with releasing music and recording. I’m definitely excited about some of my new releases. I had a lot of fun making them.

That wraps up our conversation with the incredibly talented ren.y.c. We’ve delved into the making of “i don’t watch the news!“, explored her artistic evolution, and learned about the exciting projects she has on the horizon. A big thank you to ren.y.c for sharing her insights and for offering us a glimpse into her world. Be sure to check out the new single and the stunning music video that brings her vision to life.