EP Onenonly: Crafting Sonic Brilliance Through Versatility


In hip-hop scene EP Onenonly emerges as a multifaceted artist, blending lyrical finesse with raw authenticity to create a sonic experience that transcends boundaries. His rap style is best described as versatile. He effortlessly navigates through different rhythms and beats, showcasing his adaptability as an artist. What sets him apart is his evolution over time; from initially focusing on lyrical depth with repetitive hooks to incorporating bridges and fluid deliveries into his verses, EP demonstrates a commitment to growth and experimentation within his craft.

When it comes to songwriting, EP Onenonly‘s approach is as diverse as his music. Sometimes, he starts with a hook in mind and finds a beat to match it. Other times, inspiration strikes, and he begins writing, later finding a beat that complements the lyrics and concept. Regardless of the method, EP’s ability to seamlessly blend his words with the music speaks to his innate talent and dedication to his art.

Beyond music, EP harbors a passion for other creative endeavors, particularly drawing and painting. While his focus remains on music for now, he envisions a future where he can dedicate more time to these pursuits, perhaps on a farm, where he can immerse himself in both music and visual arts.

EP Onenonly‘s motto, “Just keep going and trust the Universe,” encapsulates his approach to life and career. It’s a philosophy that has guided him through the ups and downs of his journey, instilling in him a sense of resilience and perseverance.

His tracks like “Coo whip”, “Say Less” and “LMK” exemplify his versatility and ability to explore different sonic landscapes. Each track has its own story and inspiration, whether it’s creating something catchy with diverse lyrics or capturing a moment of spontaneous creativity.

Looking ahead, EP Onenonly has an exciting lineup of projects for 2024. His project titled The Milks Gone Bad is set to drop in the 3rd or 4th quarter, along with smaller projects with individual producers throughout the year. Additionally, he plans to release singles regularly, keeping his audience engaged and eagerly anticipating his next move.

As EP Onenonly continues to push the boundaries of hip-hop, he invites listeners to join him on his journey of self-discovery and artistic exploration. With his unwavering dedication to his craft and his fearless pursuit of new sonic territories, EP is redefining what it means to be a hip-hop artist in the 21st century.