In Tune With Ayri: An Interview On The Solo Harmony Of “Blurry Line” And “See You Again”


Ayri’s recent releases, “Blurry Line” and “See You Again,” stand as unique pieces that can fit within a record or shine as singles, reflecting her departure from the typical album structure where only a few hits dominate. The Pop diva has chosen to drop these tracks, embracing the philosophy that life shouldn’t be spent waiting. 

In our interview she reveals that “See You Again” melds nostalgic R&B with modern vibes, expressing uplifting love without sorrow. Ayri‘s romantic nature and appreciation for creative and honest individuals inspire her songwriting, seeking authenticity in both her art and personal connections. 

She emphasizes the importance of conveying true emotions through music, a process she initially found daunting but now embraces fully, adding personal touches to her lyrics. Continue to read below and find out how Ayri balances fame with artistic integrity, turning to nature, meditation, and music for equilibrium.

Congratulations on the release of “Blurry Line” and “See You Again”! Are these tracks a preview of your forthcoming album, or are they standalone singles?

In reality, all of my tracks can be released both as singles and as part of an album, because each track is really cool and awesome on its own. So, they are not stereotypical album tracks, where usually there are one or two hits, and the rest serve the album theme. I hardly have any typical album tracks. So, in essence, they can be released both as standalone singles and as part of an album.

What shaped the creative journeys of these new songs, and what prompted the decision to release them a week apart? Do they intertwine narratively?

I have accumulated a lot of great tracks, a whole bunch. We were always waiting for some occasion to release them. Now, we’ve realized that we don’t need an occasion, because life can just pass by while waiting. So, we’ve decided to release several at once.

“See You Again” integrates nostalgic feels with a modern sound. Could you elaborate on your approach to blending these elements and share insights into the track’s evolution?

“See You Again” is a light R&B track, and of course, the lyrics are really special for me. I always take lyrics very seriously, because they reflect what I try to convey. That’s why I love them; they are very lifelike. It’s like you’re experiencing certain feelings, and they somehow affect you, but at the same time, you just simply surrender to those beautiful emotions full of love in which there is no suffering or sorrow.

I believe that all music should ultimately set a positive tone because in this life, we must live. To live, we must experience some positivity. However, every good thing comes with some harsh realities, and these sufferings and experiences should be transformed to bright and ultimately lead us upwards, not downwards. Therefore, this song is about love that lifts you up.


The song beautifully captures the nuanced emotions of new love. How have your own experiences influenced your writing for “See You Again”?

I feel that I am inherently a very romantic person, and I probably love falling in love, although I don’t do it often. It’s very, very difficult for me to find someone I can fall in love with, and I need them to be somewhat creative and slightly crazy, with very good, cool, kind ideas and good and proper habits. In other words, they must be an honest person, somewhat romantic, someone doing something in this life, striving, not necessarily earning a lot, but most importantly, doing something. 

That’s very important for me, getting in touch with people who engage in some form of creativity, people who can work a regular job and simultaneously pursue some form of art. Such people, of course, inspire me a lot, and I can fall in love with this kind of person, but I do it very rarely, not often, maybe once every five to ten years.

Your music consistently expresses a deep yearning for authenticity and genuine connection, particularly evident in “Blurry Line.” How does this mirror your personal beliefs or approach to relationships and interactions?

Certainly, as I always say, I sing what I can personally experience, so the lyrics in “Blurry Line” are really cool, because it says “I know nothing is guaranteed,” and that’s true. Even when we get married or get into a committed relationship, we can vow eternal love and so on, but we don’t know what might happen to us tomorrow, so unfortunately, “nothing is guaranteed.” Certainly, it’s very important for me to feel sincerity in a person, and consequently, to be with someone who shares the same life values as I do.


How do you find the strength to share personal emotions through your music, and why is it important for you to do so?

Singing has always come naturally to me, and conveying emotions through a song was always easy. However, writing my own lyrics was quite challenging, because I was afraid to share my emotions. When you write, it’s a more personal part of you that you’re putting out there. It was scary to share my emotions with you, especially in writing. I overcame my fears. 

Before, I used to add certain lines, replace certain words, but for the last song, which will be released soon, I wrote part of the lyrics myself. It was a significant and amazing experience for me. I didn’t hesitate to share my emotions and express what I truly felt. Perhaps, when a certain someone hears the song, they’ll understand it’s about them.

You’ve done a fantastic job juggling fame and staying true to your art. How do you keep that balance in check?

I believe that love for music, love for the world, and particularly love for nature helps maintain balance. There are things in life, such as illness and other uncontrollable factors, that can throw me off balance. That’s where meditation and music come in because engaging in music helps cope with these challenges, along with meditation and moments like watching the sunrise in the morning. This helps maintain balance. When you have a healthy body, and a healthy spirit, you can create great music, stay positive, and transmit the right vibrations.

Listen to “See You Again” and “Blurry Line” below: