In the midst of the uproar surrounding the Hollywood streaming content cancellations, Netflix is reportedly preparing to remove two completed films from the service. The Inheritance and House/Wife are among the most recent movies to get that treatment. Alejandro Brugués directed The Inheritance, which is now in post-production.
Starring in the movie are Bob Gunton, Austin Stromwell, Peyton List, and Rachel Nichols. Danis Goulet was the director of the second movie that was discarded, House/Wife. The announcement comes amid a current trend of shows and films being shelved even after receiving a streamer’s approval or request.
The Hollywood Reporter claims that Netflix is releasing the two finished films ahead of time on the streaming service. According to the source, Netflix decided to cancel the projects in order to keep its content expenditure at last year’s level. Last year, they spent about $17 billion on content.
The decision coincides with the streamer’s aim on increasing revenue from its more than 230 million global users. After launching its new ad tier option, Netflix recorded a significant fourth-quarter boost, gaining nearly 8 million paying customers, according to news released last week.