Thanks to Avatar: The Way of Water, Zoe Saldaa’s box office record of being the star of $2 billion films has now increased even further. Over the past several years, Zoe Saldaña has established herself as one of the most commercially successful actors in Hollywood thanks to her involvement in the Avatar, Marvel, and Star Trek franchises. Her comeback as Neytiri significantly boosted this number. Over the course of her career, her films have made close to $14 billion in worldwide box office revenue.
Avatar: The Way of Water’s box office triumph has given Zoe Salda another film that is a proven commercial hit. The box office potential of James Cameron’s Avatar sequel sparked a lot of discussions, yet it has consistently outperformed predictions. The newest box office record for Avatar: The Way of Water is breaking the $2 billion barrier globally. It joins the list of the six films that have ever achieved that mark. Though the Avatar sequel has now extended a box office record she previously completely owned, Zoe Saldaña is no stranger to this milestone.