We had the great pleasure of sitting down with Woodii, one of the most prominent rising stars of EDM and we asked a few questions about his beginnings, goals and experiences. Woodii has been releasing some of the most exciting electro music for the past couple of years and we had to ask him a few questions to find out more!
Your latest single “In My Sleep” offers a different style than your previous works. Could you tell us more about the development of the song and how you ended up with the result?
For about a year and a half or so the music industry got turned upside down, due to the pandemic. In the electronic music scene, the entire vibe of music that was being released or sought after by tastemaker labels, dramatically shifted and rightfully so. During that time, I had to adapt and make completely new styles of music and at times, was really questioning everything. Musically, I was not able to express myself how I wanted, which is a powerful and cinematic electro and progressive house. This type of electric sound, with varying contrasting breakdowns and drops was always the goal! With a lineup of new music ready, I’m ecstatic to kick off this new and developing chapter of my musical journey.
How did you get your artist name “Woodii”?
Well, my last name is Woodward, so growing up my friends shortened it to Woodii and it stuck! My full name is Brandon Woodward, seemed a bit long for an artist name.
What would be your dream venue to perform at?
Honestly, I would love the opportunity to play at Hangout fest on Pensacola Beach, Florida. I currently reside in Orlando, but I grew up In Pensacola. So, getting the opportunity to play at the beach I spent many days at as a kid would be a surreal experience.
Where do you want to venture off next as a renowned traveler?
Anywhere I’ve never been before is always an attractive destination for me! I think next, I would love to visit South Africa and go on a safari adventure. It looks so beautiful there and would hardly resemble anything I’m accustomed to here in the states.
Who would you like to collaborate with?
I would have to say Matisse & Sadko. They are one of my biggest influences and do an amazing job at building a huge cinematic sound, comprised of powerful string instruments and amazing melodies. Funny enough, I must have spent a few years enjoying their music before learning it was them behind those songs I loved.
Who are your biggest inspirations?
2014 is when I really got into EDM music. Some call it the “Golden era.” So naturally I latched on to artists such as Tiesto, Martin Garrix, Nicky Romero etc. They paved the way for many new producers. Currently, I try to be my own biggest inspiration. At some point as a producer, it becomes vital to create something unique for you and I believe at that stage the more you look inward instead of what is happening around you, you will hopefully come closer to achieving that.
What kind of musical legacy are you planning on building?
I love this question! I would love for my legacy to be a selfless one. I would love to build a community and make it bigger than just myself. I want to reach a point where I can impact people with my music, which in turn opens bigger doors that I can use to impact people in other ways. Music and making people feel good will always be the focal point but I do not think it should stop there. For me, the act of giving to others in extraordinary ways is a feeling that is unmatched. I hope in the end this music journey can transpire into something even more than music, for myself and others.
Follow Woodii on Instagram – Spotify – Soundcloud