M/Y "FFA", superyacht designed by Inace Yachts and delivered to her owner in 2012 underwent a major refit at the Lusben yard in Italy with work commencing in November, 2019. The refit involved important structural changes, starting from the length of the hull, which was elongated from the initial 120-feet/36.7 meters to nearly 154 feet/ 47 meters. The entire structure of the yacht was accordingly redesigned to ensure an increase in onboard space with a decisive improvement to the comfort of guests and crew and a substantial increase in navigational autonomy.

A 26ft/ 8m module was integrated amidships; the stern platform was lengthened by 5ft/1.5m; and the forward bulb elongated by about 5ft/1.5m. The insertion of the module, an operation carried out by Lusben’s carpentry team, involved the complete reconstruction of all the onboard systems for sanitary water, diesel lines, electric and safety, plus the supply and installation of a new watertight door, integrated with the existing management system.
There was also the addition of cold rooms, additional fresh water capacity, and additional 90,000 liters of diesel fuel , compared to the initial 52,000 liters; the inclusion of a 9sqm laundry room, the replacement of the gyrocompasses with a satellite and a mechanical one, the addition of a thermal imaging camera for night vision, the strengthening of watertight bulkheads and the addition of a watertight door, the installation of two new 99Kw CAT generators, the installation of a 60Kw Stern Thrusters (2) system, upgrading of the 90Kw Bow Thruster, the installation of a new air conditioning system with 4 compressors and finally a new technical monitoring system for loading and transferring diesel fuel. In addition, "FFA" underwent a total repainting of the hull and superstructure, the installation of all the electronic navigation equipment, the refurbishment of 4 guest bathrooms and the transformation of the original laundry room into a storage room.

Thanks to these and many other modifications, which required 14 months of work, the autonomy of M/Y "FFA" has almost doubled – reaching 8,000 nautical miles – so much so that the superyacht is now able to cruise for at least three months without ever stopping in port.
These new additions to FFA have led to the double certification for the yacht, which can be held for both private and commercial use.
The extension of the hull obviously also entailed a decisive increase in volume, which mainly affected the sleeping area, with an expansion of the cabins and a passage from the original 10 guests in five cabins and 8 crew members to the current 12 guests (under Commercial certification) and 15 guests (under Private certification) in seven cabins and 8/9 crew members.

The Captain of the yacht, Meo Palmieri says,“I believe that such a substantial and extensive hull lengthening work has never been carried out and the facility in Varazze proved to be the ideal location for these technically complex and sometimes delicate operations. This transformation also involved a series of changes to the initial work plan, and Lusben responded with promptness, competence and professionalism”.