Singer and pop culture icon Gwen Stefani recently had an interview with the Wall Street Journal, and teased a possible reunion for ‘No Doubt’, the band through which she gained much popularity. Since their last reunion in 2008 which lasted seven years, the group hasn’t been back, but “everyone is doing it now,” Stefani said.
“Right now, the Grammy Award-winning singer is preparing for her New Year’s Eve performances in Las Vegas; working on her makeup line, GXVE Beauty; and gardening with Mr. Shelton. ‘We can come together on that, because I love flowers so much and he has so much land out there,’ she said of the couple’s home in Oklahoma, where they live with her children Kingston, 16; Zuma, 14; and Apollo, 8, when they aren’t in Los Angeles. ‘We’ll do fields of things. We’re just sitting there waiting for it to rain,’” WSJ reported.
With the return of the punks in the mid-’90s came a resurgence of their slightly more commercial rivals, new wave bands. No Doubt found a niche as a new wave/ska act, on the strength of vocalist Gwen Stefani’s persona — alternately an embrace of little-girl-lost innocence and riot grrrl feminism — exemplified on the band’s break-out single, “Just a Girl.”